Reading Notes: PDE Version of Mahabharata Part B

(Photo of actress Pooja Sharma starring as Draupadi in a rendition of Star Plus's rendition of the Mahabharata. Photo can be sourced here)

**bold indicates new characters being introduced.

We are reminded of Prince Vidura (the other brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra). He had a 'common' mother so can't rule despite him being just as smart as his brothers (even though being wise doesn't really pertain to dynasties) and sees what Duryodhana is doing. Yudhishthira listened to Vidura and realized what danger they were from Duryohdhana. The Pandavas and Kunti arrive to a palace, admiring its beauty, but it is Yudhishthira that realizes everything is drenched in oil so it can burn. He tells his brothers and mother of Vidura's warning and tells them about the oil. Vidura thought if there was an underground passage, the Pandavas and Kunti could escape. He helped create this passage but skillfully so no one would find out. They escaped but Bhima went back to burn the place to kill the guards who would have tried to kill them first. Fighting fire with fire? Pun intended. The Pandavas gave some low-caste woman and her children food which ate and passed out. They got burned in the fire because they were passed out. When everyone (town) woke up the next day, they saw the palace burned and the remains of a woman and five children, which they assumed was Kunti and her sons. News got back to Duryodhana that Kunti and her sons died- he told Dhritarashtra and they both were happy their plan worked.

The Pandavas escaped but it was a hard task was difficult with a lot of obstacles. There was a demon named Hidimba who wanted to eat them who sent his sister to catch them. The sister actually fell in love with Bhima who was on lookout and she transformed herself into a beautiful woman and proposed to him. Bhima says he can't leave them so she says to wake them and she will protect them all. The demon man gets upset and tries to see what's taking so long, and fights Bhima. Everyone wakes up during this fight and sees the sister in woman form, and she tells them the situation. Bhima kills the demon man. They don't kill the sister and she then become's Bhima's bride. They have a son named Ghatotkacha. The three decide to stay in the forest, leaving the crew. 

The crew continues their journey. They stay with some brahim hosts and have become beggars for food. The brahmin hosts tell them how greedy and ruthless some ruler is (high taxes, have to give up their food for him, he kills them if they do not pay). Kunti makes some remark how her son could save the day and he appears to fight this town's ruler. Bhima fights Baka (the ruler) until Baka dies and the town is happy.

While in hiding, the crew hears of Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumna's birth. Their father, Drupada, has a swayamwara hoping Arjuna would win to marry his daughter. Arjuna hits the target as hoped and leaves with the daughter. However, Draupadi is the reincarnation of a woman prayed 5 times and had to marry all 5 of the Pandava brothers (this applies to Draupadi). As such, she was married to all five brothers on five different occasions. Arjuna broke some rule they had about sitting time with Draupadi (consequence was to be exiled) so Arjuna was exiled. In his exhile he met Ulupi and the two fell in love and had a child named Iravat. He is still technincally married so this is kind of wrong?

Arjuna leaves her behind to continue his exile journey and meets ANOTHER woman who he falls in love with named Chitra and has a son. He leaves her too, and meets another woman named Subhadra (sister of Krishna) and follows him as he returns home. Draupadi and Kunti accept her.  Arjuna has 5 children with Draupadi and 1 with Subhadra.

Krishna and Arjuna were then approached by a brahmin (actually a form of Agni) who wanted the forest as food. In the brahmin's attempts to burn the forest, he usually is stopped by Indra who puts the fire out. The helped set fire and stopped Indra's attempts, and many animals died. Only 6 creatures escaped, one of which was Maya. Maya built a palace as thanks (I don't know why he was grateful when these people did try to save him, it was coincidence). It was very lavish.

Duryodhana is jealous of the Pandava's success and wagers a gambling match where Draupadi is a wager. She clearly is not happy being an object but this is not really considered. She was even mocked my Karna "her fate is determined by her husband". She almost saves the day but Yudhishthira does another gamble and the brothers are now captive.


Title: All of Part B of the Public Domain Version of the Mahabharta which can be sourced here
Authors: C. A. Kincaid, Donald A. Mackenzie, John Mandeville Macfie


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