Reading Notes: PDE Ramayana Part C

(Hanuman showing Rama his heart. Image can be sourced here)

*bold are new characters

Hanuman asks Rama and Lakshmana their intentions at the request of Sugriva after seeing them wandering. They answer they are looking for Sita basically, which is when Hanuman recommends Sugriva to help as he had his wife taken by his brother named Vali. Vali and Sugriva battle (which Rama encouraged Sugrive to) but Rama ends up killing Vali with an arrow to end the ongoing war. Sugriva vows then to help Rama look for Sita since Rama is exiled. Rama wants the search to happen faster and Lakshmana tries to angrily tell Sugriva to hurry up.

The monkeys look everywhere for Sita but she can not be found until they find Sampati (brother of Jatayu-Sita's friend) who directs them.

Hanuman ends up sacrificing a boon in order to find Sita which makes him unable to choose his own death. He crosses the ocean to find Ravana asleep but still no Sita. After crossing Ashoka he finds Sita. He sees Ravana trying to please Sita by any means necessary but she refuses despite his pushing and even threats to kill her. Sita approaches Hanuman (inadvertently) and at first mistrusts Hanuman's intentions. After Hanuman shows her Rama's ring, she believes him but not long after this, Indrait (Ravana's son), finds and captures Hanuman.

Ravana decides to set Hanuman's tail on fire after the news but this does not work. Sita has prayed to protect Hanuman and so his tail remained cold amidst the fire. Hanuman escapes and goes back to the others after making sure Sita is okay (Rama, apes, etc.) to inform them he has found Sita. The others want to head to Lanka after hearing this news for Sita. Vibhishana (Ravana's brother) ends up joining Rama and others because he does not agree with his brother's possession of Sita.

Bibliography: All of Part C of PDE Version of the Ramayana


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