Reading Notes: PDE Version of Ramayana Part D

(Rama and Sita, can be sourced here)

A divine artisan builds a bridge for Rama and his army to cross to Lanka. Rama is able to defeat Ravana's army and save Sita. Vibhishana uses light for Ravana's funeral.  However, Rama has doubts about her purity after living with Ravana for a year for which she sets herself on fire with the help of Agni (fire goddess) to prove her purity, which she passes. Rama returns home but is now forced to send Sita away because others doubt her purity, after which Lakshmana follows her. She is pregnant and in exile gives birth to Lava and Kusha.She ends up being exiled for 16 years, where she has to raise their children. Rama Even after these 16 years when Rama knows about his children and tries to bring Sita back and prove her purity, she has the Earth take her. She returns to the Heavens.  

There are a lot of critques I have now that I am finished. Rama is claimed to be this powerful, good man but he has so much help along the way (Hanuman, his brother, the Gods, even Ravana's own brother!) which makes me feel he is not as deserving of a hero title. Even when he finally saves Sita, he castes her away after OTHER people's disbelief of her purity which she proved already to him. This, to me, makes him seem very weak. While Ravana may have been a malicious guy, he at least loved Sita and didn't abandon her, in fact, tried to protect her (even if it was for the wrong reasons). 
Sita's pregnancy is part of the doubt the kingdom has, which Rama KNOWS is because of him- this seems very wrong. He was okay having relations with her, but won't defend her from the public eye? And the fact Sita raised his children in exile and even had anything to do with him after- even if he didn't fully know the extent- just upsets me for her.

Bibliography: Part D of the PDE Version of the Ramayana


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