Reading Notes: Ramayana Part A PDE Version

Picture of Rama (left) and Sita (right). Image can be sourced to here

For this assignment I read Part A of the PDE version of the Ramayana. Here are my notes!

*bold are characters
*underline potentially useful concepts

The story begins telling the background of King Dasharatha, the 'King of the Solar Dynasty'. He essentially had a lively and expensive life expected of a king but no son. He ended up performing a horse sacrifice, known as Ashwamedha to the divine Vishnu. Vishnu told the king he would give him four sons but one of his sons would be born in Vishnu's avatar form. 

The Thatanka story is used to show how Rama actualizes his divine power. 

Rama falls in love with Sita, who is the avatar for Lakshmi and daughter of King Janaka.  Lakshmi and Vishnu have an eternal love so the love between Rama and Sita is fate. It is described as an immediate connection when the two met. Rama passed a test of bending Shiva's bow for Sita's hand in marriage and also another test to tightening the bow of Vishnu. This highlights their celestial connection.

Dasharatha needs a new heir but has four sons to pick from. Rama has shown his ability in strength and other qualifications for why he would be ideal, but the king has three other sons. The king's youngest wife, Kaikeyi, wanted her own son, Bharata, to be king. In order to please his wife, the king banished Rama to exile for 14 years, with Sita and younger brother Lakshamana follow him (against Rama's wishes).  

Rama followed his father's orders to be exiled for 14 years. He tries to go alone, but his wife and brother, Lakshamana, go to the forest too. They leave their home and go to the forest. 

Dasharatha dies while Rama is away, and his death is meant to be his "karma'.  

Bibliography: Part A of the PDE version of the Ramayana


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