Feedback Thoughts

(My skills bring success, I enjoyed this image because of the focus on positive self-worth :).  This image was obtained in the class page but can be sourced here)

I chose the two articles of 'Why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it' and Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt. I think students need to internalize this topic for a happier, healthier academic (and life) experiences and personally wish I read up on this topic earlier. It is important to remind students that mistakes are part of the learning process and rather than dwell, to use it as a means to improve. Negative thoughts can lead to individuals being more hard on themselves, being more anxious, and even self-sabotaging. Even in the opposite direction, one might focus more on tasks out of anxiety/fear which causes them to waste large amounts of time that can be spent doing other more productive/enjoyable things.

I ended up choosing 'Why rejection hurts so much- and what to do about it'. It was a hard choice as both gave great explanations and advice. I thought the strong psychological background was convincing and encouraging enough to have a new outlook. As someone who is sensitive and has experienced this, I know feeling 'no one can relate' in addition to rumination of thoughts and feelings of failure play a large role to pains of rejection.  I think realizing that this is normal and happens to everyone would help me realize it is okay to feel this way but more importantly how to use it as a learning experience. This ties into the other article partly because while it might hurt to be rejected or hear negative feedback, there is typically a reason. If it is in your control, then work on it to improve but if not, then there is no reason to be upset. I think it takes experience to really get over this feeling, but it is important to not let this feeling stop you from further experiences.

The second article, 'Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt', I find I struggle with everything mentioned to some degree. And yet, despite knowing this, these continue to be my biggest deterrents. I liked this article because they are easy ideas to consider. We talked about Growth Mindsets earlier, which I still think is equally as important as positive self-worth/autonomy. I noticed how this article stresses these three roles. It is not simply being flexible with your perceived goals, but strengthening your view of yourself in terms of your decision-making, actions, comparative nature, etc. because ultimately that is what makes you feel "bad" and a "failure". Not so much "This goal wasn't met", but that "I didn't reach this goal and I had expectations to and now that it is not met I have failed". All seven listed descriptions are good personal reminders to read from time-to-time, especially in harder times.


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