Favorite Place

 (Photo of the Delicate Arch as found at Arches National Park, photo by FindMyMojo)

In March 2017, I was lucky enough to visit Arches National Park. While I do have some experiencing camping and hiking, I have not really been to any national park. Arches National Park was my favorite place during this trip for a multitude of reasons. We stayed here for about three days, so naturally I felt more familiar with this park than the others. More than that, it was the self-reflective and trying experiences that enchanted me. A place will really stick to you when you wake up on the verge of shivers at 6 am only to change clothes and hike 3 miles to view rock formations, to the heat picking up in a time span scientifically questionable, to receiving the worst farmer tan-lines to date, to ultimately watching the sunset whilst voraciously nibbling on a sandwich made solely of peanut butter. The description might paint this granola lifestyle as painful, which at times it very much was, but it is still to date one of my favorite trips and places. The park has a series of rock formations to view, all requiring different levels of time and ability to complete. You may think viewing the same auburn-tinted rocks gets old, but it does not. Each one has a unique configuration, each conveying a different story for you to figure out.

Despite the cliché, in pushing my self-perceived boundaries, I found a newfound sense of patience and gratitude all while enjoying Mother Earth. There is also something satisfying by having a small goals and completing them. Whether it is to see "x amount of formations" today, hike a certain notorious trail, or simply take some pretty pictures, it is fulfilling. This was one of my first national parks to visit but this experience has encouraged and influenced me to visit more.


  1. You are not the first person in this class to mention Arches as their favorite place, Maya! Here is a post from Alex: Arches National Park. And like I said to Alex there, India is also home to some amazing rock formations, both natural (so many mountains!), and also the creations of architects who carve temples into the stone! One of the most famous examples would be the Ellora Caves... we even have a comic book in Bizzell about that: Ellora Caves: The Glory Of The Rashtrakootas :-)

  2. I did not know this! I just looked up some images of Ellora Caves. I definitely need to do some more reading about this, and hopefully be able see one day!

  3. This post is so cool! My wife and I have a picture in front of delicate arch like this one from our unconventional honeymoon. Whoever took the photo you have displayed must have used a drone or something because as I recall I don't know where they could be standing! That is one of the best views I have ever seen in my life. Arches is an indescribable place.

  4. Hi Maya,

    That is so cool that you got to experience this. I have never been to a National Park before, but I have always wanted to go for the experience. I am not typically and outer-sy campaign hiking person since I am one of the most un-athletic person ever. I always admire those who are into outdoor things and I like that you said it help you with patience and gratitude.


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