Week 14 Reading Notes Jakarta Tales Part A

There was a mouse that found gold on a farmer's property. The mouse liked the farmer so everyday he would bring him a gold coin. The farmer would use these to buy a lot of meat and share with the mouse. One day, a cat saw what was happening and wanted to eat the now plump mouse. The mouse told the cat he would give him his share of meat if he would spare his life, which the cat did. Because the mouse kept giving the cat food, he lost weight. The farmer noticed and asked the mouse about this-to which the mouse told him what was happening with the cat. The farmer came up with a plan to put the mouse on a inkstand. When the cat ate the mouse, he died because of the inkstand, to which the mouse crawled out after.

(What I imagine the cat and mouse look like, image can be sourced here.)

Author: W.H.D. Rouse
Title: Jakarta Tale: The Mouse and the Farmer


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