Week 15 Story Lab: Writer's Write

What's the Difference Between an Autobiography and a Memoir?
I chose this because I honestly did not know the difference and was curious. Though it might not seem relevant to our class, I did a first-perspective story so it helps give more context to that. Some important differences between the two is that an autobiography is typically someone famous or noteworthy, is chronological, and filled with facts and specific dates. A memoir can be anyone telling an emotional recount of something. Sometimes memoirs will have a common theme (i.e. Anne Frank's letter entries during the Holocaust),  and are common when telling about a specific theme/event rather than the person. The two can have overlap, but generally this is how you would tell it apart.

I told a story about Eklavya losing his thumb. This to me would be more of a memoir because it is a single event and telling from memory. I think this knowledge is also helpful to help me distinguish in the future. The article also lists some great stories I want to check out later.

Harnessing The Power Of Time In Your Storytelling

This article does a great job going into detail about the impact time can have in your story. The article gives a breadth of specific examples which provides clarity to the reader trying to understand the story better. One of the reasons I chose this article was because how simple yet relevant it is. I'm sure I am guilty of this as well, but when reading my classmates stories, there were many I was confused about the temporality. How long did the story expand over? Was an action an hour or a few days long? How long were they waiting? A specific example I can think of is Sita waiting for Rama's return. How long was she held by Ravana? A couple days versus years makes a difference although both still are not good. I think this simple tip can really enhance stories and did not really consider it before. I now will think of it when writing in the future.

(Photo symbolizing how various field overlap for education. We should be aware when writing of these various fields as well. Photo can be sourced here.)


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