
Showing posts from May, 2019

Week 15 Story Lab: Writer's Write

What's the Difference Between an Autobiography and a Memoir? I chose this because I honestly did not know the difference and was curious. Though it might not seem relevant to our class, I did a first-perspective story so it helps give more context to that. Some important differences between the two is that an autobiography is typically someone famous or noteworthy, is chronological, and filled with facts and specific dates. A memoir can be anyone telling an emotional recount of something. Sometimes memoirs will have a common theme (i.e. Anne Frank's letter entries during the Holocaust),  and are common when telling about a specific theme/event rather than the person. The two can have overlap, but generally this is how you would tell it apart. I told a story about Eklavya losing his thumb. This to me would be more of a memoir because it is a single event and telling from memory. I think this knowledge is also helpful to help me distinguish in the future. The article also list...

Reading Notes Week 15: Jakata Takes; The Golden Feathers

(Image of a white feather with a golden tip. I felt it symbolized the story well. Image can be sourced  here .) The story begins of a poor family which consists of a father, mother, and his beautiful daughters. The father decided he would try to get rich and come back to share it with his family. He told his family this. While traveling in the forest, he encounters a fairy.He tells the fairy of his problems and she turns him into a goose. He is sad until he looks at his reflection in a pond to see that he is a golden goose. He has feathers that are literal gold. He went back to his family and would give them a golden feather. The feather was worth a lot so it would suffice for various things (food, clothes, etc). He would only give them a feather one at a time and only after they fully used the old one. Well, the mother grew impatient one day and decided to pluck all of his feathers. She didn't know this was her husband. When she did this, the feathers turned white (not gold...

Reading Notes Week 15: Jakata Tales; The Talkative Tortoise

(Picture of a baby tortoise eating a strawberry. Picture is a still from a video that can be sourced  here .) In this tale, there was a tortoise that talked a lot. Many of the fish in the pond became tired of his ramblings so they moved to the land. Two geese saw what was happening and wanted to try to help the tortoise so they told him to live in the mountains. This way, no one would be around and he could keep talking. They gave him a stick to bite onto and flew him to the mountains. They told the tortoise not to talk until he made it to the mountains so he could keep biting onto the stick. While flying, some children saw the geese and pointed. The tortoise opened him mouth to tell them to mind their business but ended up falling onto the ground because he let go of the stick. His shell cracked and he probably died.  BIBLIOGRAPHY: Author: W.H.D. Rouse Title:  The Talkative Tortoise